Kennel Club Podgorica reserves the right to make changes and additions. Kinološko Društvo Podgorica zadržava pravo na izmjene i dopune.
President Mr. Antonio Mracevic

All dogs with pedigree issued by the cynologic association recognised by International cynologic federation FCI can be shown at these shows.
Aggressive dogs must have a muzzle. The owner is responsible for all the damages caused by his dog.
Cups and Awards
- Best of breed (BOB), with take a rossete, no matter on number of dogs registered in the competition.
- First, second and third ranged in competition of junior handling, puppies, baby, young ,veterans, pairs, groups and FCI groups will take a rossete.
- The most beautiful dog of competition (BIS) , second ranged (R.BIS) and third ranged (BIS III) takes a cup and dog food.
Registration For Dog
Exhibitors from abroad
IMPORTANT: For a dog to win the championship, titles (CAC, JCAC, VP) must be won on two different days.
Every dog is reported separately on the form "Application for a dog".
Application for a dogAPPLICATION DEADLINE - OCTOBER 27, 2024
Important Notice Regarding International Payments📣
We kindly request your attention regarding the payment process for international transfers. To ensure that we receive the full amount of your payment, please select the AUR (All Fees Paid by the Remitter) option when completing the transfer. This ensures that all bank fees are covered on your end, and the correct payment amount reaches us.
If a different option is selected, additional fees may be deducted by your bank, resulting in a lower amount being credited to our account. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in selecting the AUR option to avoid any discrepancies.
If a different option is selected, additional fees may be deducted by your bank, resulting in a lower amount being credited to our account. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in selecting the AUR option to avoid any discrepancies.
Prijava za pse
Izlagači iz MNE, SRB, BiH, MK i Kosova
Potrebno je prijaviti svakog psa posebno putem dole navede forme "Prijava za pse".
VAŽNO: Da bi pas osvojio šampionat, titule (CAC, JCAC, VP) moraju biti osvojene u dva različita dana.
Za izlagace iz Crne Gore (pedigre psa mora imati MNE broj),
Srbije (pedigre psa mora imati JR broj),
Sjeverne Makedonije (pedigree psa mora imati MK broj),
Kosova (pedigre psa mora imati RKS broj) i
BiH (pedigree psa mora imati BHR broj)
Prvi rok do 22.10.2024.
1 pas na CAC ili CACIB izložbi u
razredu mladi, zreli, intermedia, radni šampion – 50 €,
ostale izložbe su besplatne (CAC i 2xCACIB)
1 pas na CAC ili CACIB izložbi u
razredu beba, štenadi i veterana 35 €,
ostale izložbe su besplatne (CAC i 2xCACIB)
Drugi rok od 22.10. do 27.10.2024.
1 pas na CAC ili CACIB izložbi u
razredu mladi, zreli, intermedia, radni šampion – 60 €,
ostale izložbe su besplatne (CAC i 2x CACIB)
1 pas na CAC ili CACIB izložbi u
razredu beba, štenadi i veterana 45 €,
ostale izložbe su besplatne (CAC i 2x CACIB)
Specijalizovane izložbe - 30 €
bebe štenad i veteran 20 €
Krajni rok za prijavu je 27.10.2024.
Izlagači iz Crne Gore su obavezni da izvrše uplatu na žiro račun Kinološkog društva Podgorica: sa naznakom imena izložbe ( Podgorica winner 2024)
Dokaz o uplati dostaviti na oficijalni mail društva prije zatvaranja kataloga. Bez dokaza o uplati prijava neće biti uvrštena u katalog.
Izlagaci iz Srbije, Sjeverne Makedonije i BiH plaćaju na dan izložbe.
Šampionske povelje biti će izdavane odmah nakon završetka izložbi.
Plaćanje (za domaće): Na tekući račun za uplate sa naznakom Podgorica winner 2024:
TR: 510–204738–30
CKB bank
KD Podgorica